Exploring React's useState Hook: Managing State in Your Components

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes

React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces has gained immense popularity for its ability to create interactive and dynamic web applications. One of the key tools that facilitates state management in React is the useState hook. In this beginner-friendly yet in-depth article, we will delve into the useState hook by using a practical example to demonstrate its usage.

Understanding the useState Hook

The useState hook is a vital part of React's core library, allowing functional components to manage their state effectively. It brings state management capabilities to functional components, bridging the gap between class components and functional components in terms of state management. To get started, we need to import it as shown below:

import React, { useState } from "react";

For a much better understanding, here is a breakdown as to what react State entails.

  • React is a popular tool used by developers to create web applications that users can interact with. It's like a toolbox for building websites that feel dynamic and responsive.

  • State in React refers to the data that a web application uses to remember things and make decisions. For example, it can keep track of user interactions, store data, or manage the application's behavior.

  • useState hook is a special feature in React that helps us manage this state data. It's like a tool within the toolbox, and it's very handy.

  • This article is meant to be friendly to people who are just starting with React, but it will also explain things in detail so you can understand it better.

  • We'll learn about the useState hook by looking at a practical example. Think of this as us taking a real-world problem and showing you how the useState hook can help solve it.

A Real-World Example

To illustrate the useState hook in action, we'll build a straightforward application that displays a list of people and provides users with the option to remove individuals from the list. We'll begin by setting up the initial state and defining a function for removing people from the list.

import React, { useState } from "react";

const UseStateArray = () => {
  const [people, setPeople] = useState(data);

  const removeItem = (id) => {
    let newList = people.filter((person) => person.id !== id);

  // ... rest of the component

Within the component, we declare a functional component called UseStateArray. Inside it, we employ the useState hook to initialize our state, represented by the people variable. We set the initial state by using the data array.

Additionally, we define a removeItem function. This function enables the removal of a person from the list based on their unique id. It filters the people array to create a new list, which is then set as the updated state using setPeople.

Managing State Changes

Whenever there is a change in the people state, React triggers a re-render of the component. This, in turn, results in the display of the updated list of people. When users click the "Remove item" button, it invokes the removeItem function, which updates the state, leading to a re-render of the component.

Clearing the List

Towards the end of the component, we've included a "Clear List" button. When clicked, this button resets the people state to an empty array, effectively clearing the list of people.

<button className="btn" onClick={() => setPeople([])}>
  Clear List

By setting people to an empty array, the list becomes devoid of any entries, providing users with a straightforward way to clear the list entirely.


The useState hook in React empowers developers to manage state effectively within functional components. Its ability to handle changes in the state allows for the creation of dynamic and interactive user interfaces. In this article, we've explored the usage of the useState hook by managing a list of people and enabling their removal from the list. A solid grasp of this fundamental concept will set you on the path to building more complex and interactive React applications. Happy coding!